Singing Guide: Matt Simons

Singing Guide: Matt Simons

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing like Matt Simons

Matt Simons is known for his distinctive voice, which is characterized by a smooth, breathy quality that effortlessly glides over his songs' melodies. However, there is more to it than that. To sing like Matt Simons, you need to understand the vocal technique that he employs and the songs in his repertoire that showcase it.

Vocal Technique

One of the key aspects of Matt Simons' vocal technique is the use of a relaxed and open throat. This technique allows him to produce a smooth and effortless voice that carries emotion and authenticity. Additionally, he uses his diaphragm actively, which ensures proper breath support and control.

To achieve a voice similar to Matt Simons, you need to work on your breathing and vocal control. Singing Carrots offers several resources that can help you improve in these areas, such as:

Signature Songs

To showcase Matt Simons' vocal technique, you can look at his popular tracks like "We Can Do Better." In this song, he demonstrates his breathy and melodic style with short, staccato phrases that combine a smooth vibrato and a poppy, upbeat melody. Additionally, "Catch And Release" presents a perfect combination of Matt's signature vocal range, precise pitch control, and great dynamics.

Concluding Remarks

To learn to sing like Matt Simons, you need to focus on your vocal technique and control. Additionally, practice and sing songs similar to Matt's style to help you develop and enhance your unique singing voice. Furthermore, Singing Carrots offers many resources and helpful tools that you can use to improve your vocal technique and increase your chances of success.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.